Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The ship, the crew and the creeps.

Finally, after a whole month of my trip to the andamans, i managed to start writing about the experience there. I felt it was worth the mention, and could probably even modify it such to make it maybe a fun novel to read. There are lots of happening, experiences, sights and all that that need to be written down about somewhere.. .this i thought were it can begin.
so here it is, lets say the first chapter of my unnamed novel..
its open to critique.. serious mean criticism is welcome as well....

The ship, the crew, and the creeps.

My first time onboard! My first time onboard. It was exhilarating to stand there on the deck of the ship, holding onto the railing before the wind could blow me off my feet.

The salt water sprayed across my face, the wind blew my hair helter-skelter. All about me, were waves as high as a double storey building, lashing about angrily, and off in the horizon, where the skies met the sea, one could see a war raging on between the water and the clouds. I had been introduced to a whole new perspective of nature, a completely different personality, one that was powerful and intimidating. We all stood onboard at her mercy, but it really never occurred to us as this, since we were all far too much in awe of her beauty. The sea…. Never ending, never stopping, never sleeping. I breathed in the salt vapour that filled the air, the ship tumbled and crashed against the mighty waves, and rain lashed down from thick clouds in the skies above. The sun set, drowning itself into the gigantic ocean. Night fell, and we retired to our bunks, filled with anticipation about where our journey would lead us. The whole night through I slept very little, as the ship rolled and creaked in the rough sea, yet with the yearning of reaching our destination, the Andaman Islands, we remained surprisingly patient.

For this moment, of reaching a place closest the heavens, a journey as long as three days, and the company of cranky crew and creepy passengers was maybe worth it all.

The next day I awoke to foul smells, noise from other bunks, as well as mine; children screaming, people puking, doors slamming, shouts, thuds and what nots. The rolling of the vessel had really got me dizzy and disoriented, and the lack of proper sleep got to me. I got off my bunk to stand up and nearly fell down. I felt nauseous all of a sudden. Ignoring that feeling, I took out my toiletries and headed off to the women’s loo. There on began my dismal experience, an experience I had imagined to be a lot different. The women’s loo was far too disgusting to describe, and the women’s shower room was used as a make shift loo. I was appalled to see men, crew men as well, make use of the WOMEN’S toilets and shower rooms to answer natures call.

All the sights and the smells added to my sick feeling, and the whole day was spent me clambering decks and popping onto the floor. By the end of the day, I had eaten nothing, my stomach churned with hunger and sick as well; it contracted every sudden, trying to belch out what ever remained in my stomach. Not even a drop of water remained in my stomach. Sea sickness it was for sure, but the condition of the bunk class cabins and loos and the smells really added to the effect. I clambered all the way back to my bunk and slept like the dead, zipping myself inside my sleeping bag. I slept on right through till night came and when the sun arose.

I awoke to a hushed discussion my school mates were happening. Last night, one of the passengers, a man of maybe about 20 30 years, had walked into the cabin and felt up a girl from my bunch. So much to add up to my fabulous ship journey, the one I had always so romanticized about. It was appalling to think how safe we were here in the bunks. There was a stark prioritization between the bunk class and the upper class. I could see a whole new titanic situation appear before me. All about me I could see how the bunk class were restricted from accessing the upper decks and the facilities as well. So much for an imagined fantastical romantic sort of a ship journey. Maybe it was just this ship, this passenger ship that created a bad impression about ships, sailors and crew. All I looked forward to was the time we docked and got off onto land. One more day ahead, and we’d be away from this ship, the crew and the creeps as well.

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