Friday, July 25, 2008


Wandering about the empty house,

at the mid hour of the night,

Pinpricks within my skin arouse,

sensation of hands around my neck feel tight.

Nobody but me is here in this house,

do I tell myself over and over again,

Yet there's that someone who's always around,

Is its really in this room, or just within my brain?

I sit down on the cold floor, shivering,

its not the floor that makes me do,

a cold draught escapes my lips,

my shawl feels damp, cold sinking in through.

Its the hour past midnight,

and my head lolls while I sit on the floor,

and falls upon an unseen shoulder,

who caresses my face as I snore?

arms cradle me, raise me from the ground,

swiftly I feel myself rise above then glide slowly,

my eyelids far too heavy to ope,

to see who carries me so gently.

I forget in my deep slumber,

That I was the only one at home,

All alone; yet this someone caring and knowing carries me,

Then “good night” whispers a voice, I’ve heard that tone.

The whole night through I sense this stranger by my side,

I thought I embraced it while I slept,

I felt my hands against a chest I swear,

I felt the heart beat; a rise and fall of the chest.

I dreamt a dream and saw the face,

The ghost it was, who lay near me,

That face I felt I knew somewhere,

Where had I seen him, I couldn’t heed whether it was reality.

But I knew that embrace, so familiar,

this was a dream I told myself, or was it real,

Dream it was my soul told me,

find yourself asleep on the floor, doubts shall clear.

Dawn crept in chasing shadows away,

My ghost kissed me goodbye in my dream,

I smiled and bid goodbye too,

And ope my eyes, to break away from my dream.

The cold floor I did not find beneath me,

As my soul had promised me while I slept,

My bed I sat on, the comforter covering me,

Unnerved at this happening, chills up my spine had crept.

I closed my eyes, to summon that ghost,

From my dreams; that embrace, that kiss

Upon my forehead had he given me,

Felt so real, yet everything was amiss.

I wanted my ghost to come back,

And confide with me, That moment was lost,

I could not commute with him then

in my sleep; love this I felt, within me a lot.

ill wait one more night for my ghost to come by,

dream of reality, talk to him through,

ask him about his story, who, what and why,

ask him where do I know him from, why the things he did do?

Sleepless do my nights go by now,

I await for my head to loll and sleep,

The floor feels cold no more,

No misty breath yet, my heart foolishly skips.

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